Daviess Community Hospital’s Women’s Health Center is located on the second floor. We offer a variety of healthcare programs and services to address the specific needs of women at every life stage. From your childbearing years through menopause and beyond, we're committed to helping you stay well and live well.
We provide a "family centered" approach to the birthing process that begins before the birth of the baby and continues after discharge from the hospital. We offer expectant parent classes for parents and families to prepare for the birth and care of the baby. Mothers have a choice of pain control options during their delivery and spacious birthing rooms where fathers and other family members can be present are available.
If not, visit our partner providers from Heartland OB GYN (http://heartlandobgyn.com) . These highly experienced obstetricians and gynecologists are located next to the hospital and provide on-call services for Daviess Community Hospital to handle baby deliveries and emergency situations.
Birthing Center - With labor, delivery and postpartum care all in the same personalized space, DCH's birthing center offer enhanced comfort and technology.Daviess Community Hospital is committed to providing the best in labor care, and to giving your baby a happy, healthy start in life. Every mom and baby are different and our goal is to help you both have the most fulfilling experience possible.
Lactation Services - Breastfeeding forms a unique bond between mom and baby, but it sometimes
comes with difficulties. Daviess Community Hospital's breastfeeding services
can help. Breastfeeding is a bonding experience that provides your baby
needed nutrition while helping you both avoid future health problems,
including cancer and diabetes. However, breastfeeding doesn't come naturally
to all mothers. In these cases, we provide complete, personalized support
for mom and baby. Even before you give birth, we offer support group
(NOTE: due to COVID all classes are currently on hold) and one-on-one consultations can give you expert tips for breastfeeding
during your baby's first three months. We can assist with issues such
as latching difficulties, soreness and milk production, and can answer
any other questions.
We are proud to offer breastfeeding services provided by two International Board Certified Lactation Consultants. They offer both inpatient and outpatient visits. Our team is also available by phone for any questions or concerns and provides a monthly breastfeeding support group free of charge. A breastfeeding class is available as part of the childbirth series. Lactation voicemail line: 812-254-2760 ext. 1344
High-risk Pregnancy Care - Perinatal care starts when your OB-GYN identifies a health concern with mother or baby during the pregnancy. If your pregnancy is considered high-risk, we offer a Perinatal Navigator, Desiree’ Lewis, RN, BSN, to educate and guide you throughout your pregnancy. She is available to help ensure that your pregnancy and birth experience are everything you hoped. Contact Desiree at 812-254-2760 Ext. 1333 or 812-698-6042 (texting welcome).
Pediatric Hospitalist - Miranda Schneider, NP is a nationally certified Nurse Practitioner specializing in newborn and pediatric care. She has over 15 years of experience in Newborn Intensive care, OB, and routine newborn and pediatric care. For the past 5 years she served as the lead Nurse Practitioner for Good Samaritan Hospital’s level II nursery. At Daviess Community Hospital, she will be combining her passion for teaching and newborn intensive care as she helps expand the Women’s Health Center to a level II nursery. The hospital will now be able to provide care for infants that require more than just routine care, such as those babies that are moderately ill, premature, or have other health issues.
Shawna O'Kelley-Brinson, BSN, RN, Director of Obstetrics, Nursery and Childbirth Education
812-254-2760 Ext. 1345
Desiree’ Lewis, RN, BSN, DCH Perinatal Navigator
812-254-2760 Ext. 1333 or 812-698-6042 (texting welcome)
Melissa Schroeder, RNC, IBCLC, CPST
Lactation Consultant
812-254-2760 ext. 1344 lactation voicemail line
Melissa Smith, RN, IBCLC, CPST-I
Lactation Consultant
Child Passenger Safety Instructor
812-254-2760 ext. 1359
Miranda Schneider, NP
Pediatric Hospitalist